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Ais Cream Soap (Popsicle Soap): How To Make

How to Make Ice Cream Soap (popsicle Soap) Malaysia IceKrim Sabun
How to Make Ice Cream Soap (Popsicle Soap)
Bagaimana Membuat Sabun Ais Krim
Todays tutorial is all about ice cream soap. (Not edible only as soap).
Tutorial pads hari ini adalah bagaimana untuk membuat aid krim sabun (Tidak boleh makan. mandi sahaja!)

To make it we will be using melt and pour soap base. You can click here to view the different methods of making soap.
Untuk membuatnya kita menggunakan melt and pour soap. Click disini untuk mengetahui cara-cara lain untuk membuat sabun. 

Now this way of making soap is really easy and its nice to make for kids or with them. Only thing is make sure you supervise them during the heating phase because it can be rather HOT!
Membuat sabun dengan cara ini sangatlah senang. Anda juga boleh membuat ini dengan kana-kanak tetapi perlu berjaga-jaga kerana ia sangat panas.


  1. Shea Butter Soap Base (roughly about 500g for my mould)
  2. Fragrance Oil (I'm using Black Current, Banana, Fresh Strawberries and Bubblegum)
  3. Color Pigment (I'm using the Rainbow by Soap Lab Pigment)
  4. Popsicle Mould
  5. Wooden Stick 
How To Make:
  1. Prepare the ingredients. Sediakan bahan-bahan
    Prepare Ingredients
  2. Melt the soap base in microwave. masukkan soap base kedalam microwave untuk meleburkannya. 
  3. Separate them into different containers and add colour , and fragrance. asingkan sabun yang sudah cair ke bekas lain (agak-agak) dan masukkan warna dan pewangi sabun khas.
    Add in Fragrance

    Mix Color and Fragrance
  4. Pour into mould. Masukkan kedalam acuan
    Sabun Ice Krim Malaysia
    Add into Mould
  5. Now the problem is normal stick that comes with the mould is usually stuck to the cover. so to hold the stick in place just put scotch tape on both side of mild and put the stick in. it should help to hold the stick. Selalunya acuan akan ada pemegangnya tetapi ia kurang sesuai jika anda ingin buat dengan banyak. Oleh itu anda boleh letak sticker dan potong ditengah tengah untuk masukkan pemegang.

  6. Original Mould Stick

    Wooden Ice Cream Stick

    Sabun Ais Krim dan acuannya
    Scotch Tape holder DIY

  7. let it harden the next two hours. and you are done! Biarkan ianya mengeras. Siap!
Ice Cream Soap Malaysia, Sabun Ice Krim Bagaimana membuat di rumah
Ice Cream Soap (Not to be eaten)

Ice Cream Soap Malaysia, Sabun Ice Krim Bagaimana membuat di rumah
Sabun Ais Krim (tidak boleh dimakan!)
This Kit below comes with only the following. you will have to provide mold and popsicle stick.
1) 500g Soap Lab's Shea Butter Soap Base (100% Vegetarian, No Paraben, Handmade)
2) Fragrance Oil of choice (50mL)
3) 30mL Soap Colour (of Choice)

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