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How To Make Honeycomb Beeswax Soap without lye Malaysia

handmade organic natural soap malaysia without lye

Hi all, today we will be making a honey soap using our soap lab's handmade soap base. This is a beginner level soap making and its really easy to make. You will not be handling any lye/ chemicals so its really not dangerous to make at home. You can even make this with your kids! Just be careful as some parts the soap is really hot.
Hi. Hari ini kita akan membuat sabun madu dan beeswax menggunakan Soap Lab's handmade soap base. Kaedah ini adalah bagi yang belum mahir membuat sabun lagi dan ianya sangat senang untuk dibuat. Anda tidak perlu menggunakan lye/ sodium hydroxide untuk kaedah ini jadi ianya tidak berbahaya jika dibuat di rumah. Kalau nak boleh juga membuat sabun dengan kanak-kanak. Cuma berhati-hati kerana sabun agak panas. Takut tertumpah. 

Difficulty: Beginner
Time: 15mins-30mins
Kids Friendly: Yes

Ingredients (Bahan-Bahan)

  1. Soap Lab's Handmade Honey soap Base (quantity depends on your mold)
  2. Mold Acuan
  3. Fragrance oil/ Essential Oil. Pewangi (as desired)
  4. Beeswax (1/5th of soap weight)
handmade natural soap malaysia

How to Make (Bagaimana Membuat):

  1. Prepare your soap base according to your mold. Our mold's cavity is about 120g each. Sediakan soap base anda. didalam tutorial ini setiap buku sabun adalah 120g.
  2. Cut bubble wrap to fit the bottom of the mold. Potong bubblewrap mengikut bawah acuan 
  3. melt beeswax. Cairkan beeswax (about 10g for each 120g)
  4. Pour beeswax into mold.Let it cool down. You want the beeswax layer to be really thin. Masukkan beeswax kedalam acuan. Biarkannya menyejuk. Beeswax ini kita mahunya sangat nipis.
  5. After about 15minutes, heat up your soap base in a heat resistant jar. You can use either a microwave (15-30 seconds) or use a double boiler. Selepas 15 minit, panaskan soap base. Anda boleh menggunakan microwave (15-30 swat) ataupun double boiler untuk meleburkan soap base.
  6. add your fragrance/ Essential oil. Makesure its skin safe. All soap lab's Fragrance/ Essential oil are skin safe. Few drops will do as long as you like the smell in the soap. Masukkan Fragrance/ Essential Oil. Pastikan ianya sesuai untuk kulit. Semua pewangi yang terdapat di soaplab adalah sesuai untuk digunakkan di atas kulit.
  7. Mix. Campur menggunakan sudu
  8. Separate the soap base into two. One add about half teaspoon of colour while the other half leave it uncoloured
  9. Pour the soap base into the mold, on top of the ready harden beeswax. Masukkan soap base ke dal am acuan.
  10. Leave in airy area for about 1-2 hours for the soap to harden. Biarkan di tempt berangin selama 1-2 jam untuk mengeras.
  11. Your soap is done! Siap! Anda boleh menggunakan sabun anda sekarang:-)
Video Tutorial:

Bahasa Malaysia:

For ordering ready made kit:

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If you are one of those who wants to understand why certain ingredients is in your skincare/cosmetics, learn how to make and formulate your own cosmetic line, do contact us for our next workshop.

If you have any enquiry, please leave a comment below and i will reply asap. Please do not whatsapp us as our sales team will not be able to answer your technical question.  



  1. Hi, you are using beeswax in this soap. Then doesn't this soap considered as NOT vegan?

  2. Vegan basically means purely plant derived,
    while Vegetarian means it can have animal byproduct such as milk, eggs, things produced by the animal (where the animal does not need to be killed).
    Beeswax and honey are produced by bees, which then make these two ingredient vegetarian, rather than vegan.
    I hope this helps clear things up. I love reading your entries btw. ��

  3. Hi sorry for the late reply. Well basically yes. Soap Lab is more of a 100% vegetarian store as compared to vegan. As long as the animal is not harmed and its not disgusting to use the products (I still find kopi luwak disgusting although the animal wasn't harmed), we use it:-) So yes items like beeswax, Milk, Eggs etc, we will still show tutorial on how to make it using these items. Its up to the consumer wether want to use it or not. Because if its strictly vegan, come to think of it we can't even use honey, goats milk isn't it? :-0 Thanks for the clarification Lin.

  4. hi I would like to ask,why do we need to add beeswax in this recepi? I thought mp soap base is easily harden.or does it has a benefit purpose

  5. Hi the sabun. We are adding beeswax here more for decoration purpose je. But it was also a good backbone to the soap towards the end:-)

  6. I would really like to join a class and make my own soaps how to join please

  7. Is this safe for baby skin ?


Please Whatsapp Us at 0126643817 for any enquiry



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