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Soap Lab Malaysia's Handmade Cosmetic Bases and which Skin Conditions to use them in?

Soap LAb Malaysia's base kosmetik dan bila untuk digunakan?

In Soap Lab Malaysia we have many types of bases. To view the aricle on the different types of bases we have, please click here
Di soap lab malaysia kami mempunyai banyak jenis 'base' yang boleh dijadikan sebagai produk kecantikkan. Untuk membaca post kami mengenai semua base yang boleh didapati, click disini.

In today's post we will be talking about the different variety of bases that soap lab has and when to use them.
Post pada hari ini kita akan menerangkan tentang semua jenis base yang soap lab ada dan kegunaannya untuk kulit-kulit yang berbeza.

Soap Base

Soap lab's soap base comes in two different generation. First generation is made from naturally found fatty acids in vegetable oil and is more suitable for those who wants to melt the soap few times and wants a soap thats really hard. Its highly cleansing therefore its more suitable for those who are active and sweats a lot. The first generation base come in both opaque and transparent base.

Soap lab mempunyai dua generasi soap base yang berlainan. Generasi pertama dibuat daripada 'fatty acids' yang boleh didapati dari minyak sayuran dan adalah lebih untuk mereka yang suka meleburkan (melt) sabun mereka beberapa kali. Selalunya untuk mereka yang suka buat craft menggunakan warna yang berlainan. Sabun generasi pertama ini juga adalah lebih keras dan mempunyai daya pembersihan yang sangat tinggi (high cleansing). Ianya lebih sesuai untuk mereka yang selalu berpeluh dan aktif. Sabun dari generasi pertama ini boleh didapati dalam bentuk transparent atau pun opaque (creamy)

The second generation base is made from 100% vegetable oils and is very similar to soaps made using the cold process method. Its very natural and its very moisturizing. However because its made from 100% natural oils, its not as hard as the first generation and you cannot melt them more than 2 times (it gets lumpy very easily). This second generation soap base is more suitable for those who wants more moisturizing soap, lesser cleansing. More suitable for those with skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, sensitive skin, and babies. However bare in mind both these generation soaps are not suitable for eye area (it will sting the eye as we do not put eye numbing chemicals in these).

Sabun generasi kedua pulak dibuat daripada 100% minyak sayuran dan kandungannya lebih kurang sama dengan sabun yang dibuat dengan cara cold process. Oleh kerana ianya 100% natural, ianya tidaklah sekeras sabun generasi pertama dan tidak boleh di leburkan lebih daripada 2 kali. Sabun generasi kedua ini adalah lebih sesuai untuk mereka yang memerlukan sabun yang lebih melembabkan dan kurang daya pembersihan. Selalunya lebih sesuai untuk mereka yang mempunyai masalah kulit seperti eczema, psoriasis, kulit sensitif, bayi dsb.
Walaubagaimanapun, adalah disarankan supaya tidak gunakan mana2 generasi sabun ini berdekatan dengam mata. Ini adalah kerana kami tidak memasukkan sebarang bahan kimia untuk kebaskan mata, oleh itu mata mesti pedih kalau terkena dengan sabun sabun ini ( macam sabun dulu-dulu)

Those soap bases that are:
Base sabun yang:

Transparent soap base, opaque soap base, natural coconut soap base
Use for normal skin
Guna untuk kulit normal
Honey soap base, aloe vera soap base, papaya soap base, natural honey soap base, natural aloe vera soap base, natural papaya soap base, natural honey-buttermilk soap base
Use for : oily skin, acne skin
Guna untuk kulit berminyak, kulit berjerawat.
Shea butter soap base, three butter soap base, natural shea butter soap base, natural three butter soap base,
Use for: dry skin or very dry skin, sensitive skin
Guna untuk: kulit kering atau sangat kering, kulit sensitif.
Goats milk soap base, natural goats milk soap base, natural buttermilk soap base, natural honey buttermilk soap base
Use for: sensitive skin and normal skin
Guna untuk: kulit sensitif dan kulit normal

To view bases click here. Untuk melihat base click disini

Lotion Base

Our lotion base comes in four different variation and its pretty straightforward on when to use them:

Base lotion yang kita ada terdapat dalam bentuk empat variasi yang berbeza dan amat senang digunakkan:

Natural Jojoba lotion Base

ingredients: this base is made using jojoba oil, distilled water, Aloe Vera extract, vitamin D, and glycerin. Base ini dibuat daripada bahan-bahan diatas:
Use: this base is suitable for those with oily skin and acne skin.
Digunakkan untuk kulit berminyak dan berjerawat

Natural Avocado lotion Base

ingredients: this base is made using avocado oil, distilled water, Aloe Vera extract, vitamin D, and glycerin.
Use: this base is suitable for those with normal skin
Guna untuk: kulit normal

Natural Olive lotion Base

ingredients: this base is made using virgin olive oil, distilled water, Aloe Vera extract, vitamin D, and glycerin.
Use: this base is suitable for those with dry skin .
Guna untuk: kulit kering

Natural Shea Lotion Base:

ingredients: this base is made using olive oil, castor oil, shea butter distilled water, Aloe Vera extract, vitamin D, and glycerin.
Use: this base is suitable for those with very dry skin.
Guna untuk: kulit sangat kering

To view bases click here. Untuk melihat base click disini

Cream Base:Our cream base is thicker in consistency and is used for areas where you want the cream to bind to for long time example in between elbows, thighs, nappy rash areas, foot etc. the variation we have currently is:
Base cream kita ini sangat pekat dan dicipta untuk kawasan yang memerlukan cream tersebut berada lama disana. Seperti celah lengan, celah kaki, tapak kaki, kawasan ruam lampin dsb.

Natural Shea Olive Thick Cream:

ingredients: this base is made using shea butter, olive oil oil, distilled water, Aloe Vera extract, vitamin D, and glycerin.
Use: this base is suitable for those with normal and dry skin
Guna untuk: kulit normal dan kulit kering.

To view bases click here. Untuk melihat base click disini

Body Butter Base:

Our body butter is made with 100% butters and vegetable oils. Its very sticky and feels very luxurious. Suitable to be used in air-conditioned area:
Base body butter kami dibuat daripada 100% butter dan minyak sayuran. Ianya melekit dan amat sesuai digunakkan untuk kulit yang selalu berada di dalam air cond.

Three butter body butter base:

ingredients: this base is made using shea butter, cocoa butter, mango butter, olive oil.
Use: this base is suitable for those with dry skin and very dry skin
Guna untuk: kulit kering dan sangat kering.

To view bases click here. Untuk melihat base click disini

Serum base

Our serum base is made from expensive ingredients with luxurious properties. Serum are 100% water based therefore we make sure that every water phase that we put in will give you maximum benefit.
Base serum kami ini dibuat daripada bahan bahan yang berkualiti tinggi yang memberi manfaat yang maksima.

Concentrated Hyaluronic Acid serum Base:

ingredients: this base is made using hyaluronic acid powder, Aloe Vera extract, vitamin D, glycerin, distilled water.
Use: this base is suitable for those with all skin type : oily, dry, normal, acne skin
Guna untuk: semua jenis kulit

To view bases click here. Untuk melihat base click disini

Lip Balm Base

Our lip balm base are made using natural ingredients and contains luxurious vegetable oils. These bases can be made into lip balm (more suitable for chapstick type) or lipstick.
Base lip balm soap lab ini juga dibuat menggunak butter dan minyak sayuran yang berkualiti tinggi. Base ini boleh digunakkan untuk membuat lip balm yang menggunakan 'chapstick'ataupun lipstick.

Natural nourishing lip balm base:

ingredients: this base is made using shea butter, olive oil oil, avocado oil, and beeswax
Use: this base is suitable for those with normal or dry lips
Digunakkan untuk: bibir normal dan kering

Natural extra nourishing lip balm base:

ingredients: this base is made using shea butter, cocoa butter olive oil oil, castor oil avocado oil, and beeswax
Use: this base is suitable for those with dry or very dry, chapped lips.
Guna untuk: bibir kering dan merekah.

To view bases click here. Untuk melihat base click disini

Natural balm Base (ointment)

This balm base is made to replace petroleum jelly such as vaselin. Its an alternative to those who wants to make nappy rash balm, cuticle balm etc
Base balm ini dibuat untuk menggantikan petroleum jelly ( seperti vaselin) dan dibuat daripada butter dan minyak sayuran. Ianya boleh digunakan untuk membuat produk untuk ruam lampin, balm cuticle dsb.

ingredients: this base is made using shea butter, olive oil oil, castor oil, avocado oil, and beeswax
Use: this base is suitable for all skin type
Guna untuk: semua jenis kulit.

To view bases click here. Untuk melihat base click disini

So these are all the bases available in soaplab malaysia. If you want to make your product unique, you will have to add additives. To learn more about what kind of additives you can add, click here.

Kesimpulannya ini adalah semua jenis base yang boleh didapati di soaplabmalaysia. Jika anda ingin menjadikan produk anda unik, anda perlu menambah bahan-bahan lain. Untuk lebih mengetahui apakah additif itu, sila klik disini

P/S: We are no longer selling this Base. Full recipe on how to make this Base from Scratch is available for download here

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