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Risks of Using Melt and Pour Soap Base in Your Business

Many asked before if it was up to me; which do i prefer? Melt and pour or cold process soap.
its quite difficult to answer generally.

As a seller; when i sold soaps; melt and pour was my favourite.

One of the reason was because it was fast, and easy. People could order today and by tomoro my melt and pour soap is out of the door for delivery.
Its also very 'fluid' therefore i could make a lot of gorgeous designs when i use a soap base. Whenever i needed i could always remelt and redo designs. It was so easy!
Plus its also easy to clean up. its very easy.
Now bare in mind; the word here is "EASY!' everything i spoke about MP soap base was easy.

But imagine this; if its easy; how many people do you think is selling the same melt and pour as you are?

What is your unique selling point here then? you could sell one soap; market it really great and finally; because your brand is so famous; someone else will copy exactly the same and sell theirs at half the price riding on your brand.

is that what you want? 

you wanted easy right? this is what melt and pour soap (your glycerin soap base) does. Its easy to make, it doesn't require 'science' in making it. its easy to copy because all your competitors need to figure out is what additives you added (which you will list in your ingredients anyway), and all they need to do is print the same packaging as yours and sell it as theirs.
no kidding.
it is happening!

Now lets talk about cold process soap. cold process soap is something i love to use and as a user; cold process soap feels more 'real' and authentic to me.

Me as a soap maker i know how to make both; cold process soap and melt and pour soap base (yes soap lab Malaysia makes our own bases to sell. not factory made). but even then. i prefer to use cold process soap.


Because cold process soap is more pure. we don't have to add anything unnecessary inside to make it meltable at 50 degrees unlike melt and pour soap base where we have to add diluents like propylene glycol, sorbitol etc to melt it. Cold process soap is pure luxurious oils and butters!

Also cold process soap is more tedious to make compared to soap bases. Making it requires skills and knowledge of what to put in and what not to.

It also needs to be cured for 30 days for it to harden naturally. Because of that; as a user, and a seller; i prefer cold process soap.

The entry level is lower and not everyone can 'counterfeit' your product.

On top of that; even if they do; they will not be able to guess whats the propotion of oils you added in.

Unlike melt and pour soap everyone can buy the base from any shop and they just add the same essential oil and color and herbs and extract as you.

So if you are a business owner; or if you are thinking to have a long term business in this soap business; i suggest you take a look at how to make your own cold process soap. The chances of people 'copying' you is lower.

I have dedicated this month for cold process soap. therefore you will see more recipes in this area this month. Do check it out next week onwards

If you are interested to learn more about how to formulate your own cold process soap from scratch; we have online courses on how to make cold process and hot process soap. to find out more click here.

thank you for reading;




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