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How To Make: Pandan Gula Melaka Soufflé (Desert Soap Series)

Hello all! 

Today we will be learning how to make the scrumptious Pandan Gula Melaka Soufflé! 

You will need a three butter soap base and coconut liquid soap base. The soap bases are extremely moisturizing and hydrates dry skin. It will leave your skin healthier and radiant. They are both sulphate free and paraben free so you know your skin will be healthier when using this gorgeous desert soap.

Next, we added sage leaf essential oil. Sage leaf is rich with Vitamin A, and also helps reduce any inflammation on the skin. For the scents and 'dessert feel' we added vanilla extract fragrance oil for a soothing smell. Finally, we added green mica for the signature pandan color.

I hope you enjoy making this as much as we did making it. do let me know your thoughts!


Preparation Time : 20 minutes
Total Time : 60 minutes

Ingredients: (makes 350g soap)

  1. 350g SoapLab’s Natural Three Butter Soap Base  
  2. 50g SoapLab’s Coconut Liquid Soap Base
  3. 15g Vanilla Extract Fragrance Oil 
  4. 7.5g Sage Leaf Essential Oil 
  5. 5g Green Mica
  6. 10g Glycerin 
  7. 10-20 sprays of Rubbing Alcohol


  1. A pair of gloves
  2. A weighing scale
  3. 2 heat resistant mixing containers
  4. 2 spatula 
  5. 1 whisk
  6. 2 pipettes 
  7. 1 disposable piping bag 
  8. A piping tip
  9. 6 cavity soufflé silicon mold 

How to Make 


Visual Guide  

  1. Using a kitchen knife, cut SoapLab’s Three Butter Soap Base into small cubes. The smaller the cube, the faster it will melt.

  2. Place cubes into a heat resistant container and melt at 20 seconds interval. Check on soap constantly to avoid soap from getting burn. 

  3. Once melted, using a pipette, add in Vanilla Extract Fragrance Oil into the melted soap.

  4. Next, also using a pipette, add in Sage Leaf Essential Oil.  

  5. Mix everything with a spatula. 

  6.  Pour out 1/3 of the mixture into another container then set aside. 

  7. With the remaining soap, add in Green Mica that has been mixed with glycerin into the soap mixture. Mix with a spatula.

  8. Spray mold with Rubbing Alcohol. Pour in soap into the mold. Fill until each cavity is half full. Leave for 10 minutes to harden.

  9. Next, pour in a layer of white soap on top just enough to cover the green soap. Leave again to harden for 10 minutes. 

  10. Lastly, top it all off with the remaining green soap mixture. Spray with rubbing alcohol to remove bubbles and leave for 20 minutes to harden. 

  11. In the remaining white soap, add in SoapLab’s Coconut Liquid Soap Base. 

  12. Using a hand blender with the whisk attachment, whip soap mixture until it is airy and fluffy, just like whipped cream. 

  13. This will take about 1 - 2 minutes of whipping, depending on the speed. If it starts to form and hold soft peaks, then it is ready. 

  14. Snip the end of a disposable piping bag, and install your piping tip of choice. 

  15. Using a container to hold up the bag, transfer the soap mixture into the piping bag. If soap starts to harden at this point, just place it in the microwave and heat for 10 seconds. 

  16. Then continue to pipe on top of your soap soufflé. Once happy, leave soap to harden for another 20 minutes.
  17. Once ready, pull mold away from soap like so. 

  18. Gently push mold out from  the mold. 
  19. With that, soap is ready! They say don’t play with your food, but this one is an exception :p

Order Ingredients


  1. Always test the product on your skin for allergic test first. Click here to find out how to do so
  2. If you are selling this product, advice your consumers to do allergic test first
  3. Make sure all your utensils and work surface is clean and sterilise as dirty area and utensils can reduce shelf life of scrub
  4. Do not add in any Fresh ingredients that can spoil easily as this will reduce the shelf life of product unless specified in recipe. Click here to find out more
  5. If applying on face, avoid citrus based or sandalwood essential oil as Malaysian weather will cause your skin to be easily sun burnt. Wear sun protection if add these Essential oils.
  6. If you have any questions; please don't hesitate to contact us here via FB messenger or via WhatsApp at 0126643817
  7. If you would like to join our Skincare & Soap Making Class Click here
  8. If you would like to have these readymade (PRIVATE LABEL/OEM) for you, email sales@soaplabmalaysia.com For Free Quotation.

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