Learn To Make Safe & Effective Handmade Products With A Pharmacist


How To Make: Soya Bean Face Oil With Collagen Booster


Hi guys. This week to continue with our glass skin series; i would like to share with you a recipe on how to make soya bean face oil to get a flawless skin.

Soya extract is known to have a lot of benefit to the skin. Soya itself is a strong antioxidant and so it works  really well on inflamed skin such as red, itchy skin. Besides that; it contains a lot of isoflavonoids that works to reverse sign up aging such as wrinkles; spots and so on.

there was also discovery made whereby it contains collagen that again; helps in smoothening the skin so that you end up years younger than you actually do:-)

Since its a face oil; of course you will find oils in this. However; if you expecting this face oil to be oily? Well dont worry! Its not./

If you have attended my Lotion formulation business class before; you would know that most of oils are composed of fatty acids; and these fatty acids are the ones that determines the ‘lightness’ of the oils,.

Therefore we can categorize the oils to light, medium or heavy oil.

So for this face oil; ive used the combination of slight medium; mostly light oils.

Besides that; the dominant oil in this face oil is jojoba oil; thats said to be almost like our own skin’s natural oil. Therefore when you put it on; you almost cant ‘feel’ anything.

Ive also added non comedogenic oils; so it wont block pores; and its suitable for people with acne. 

Who Should Use This Face Oil?

  1. People who are looking for anti aging solution
  2. People with dry- oily skin (all skin type)
  3. Those who have inflammed skin will benefit from this
  4. People who has spots and marks on skin

Who Shouldnt Use This Face Oil?

  1. People with known allergic to the ingredients listed
  2. People who wants fast results (these are natural will take sometime to work)
  3. People with very very dry skin (the face oil might be too light for you)

Formulation To Make 1kg

  1. 350g Jojoba Oil
  2. 300g RoseHip Oil
  3. 300g Argan Oil
  4. 50g Soya Bean Extract
  5. 5g Scent of choice (optional)

Video How To Make:

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